Friday, September 27, 2013

Concentrating On Good Stuff

I'm finding myself daydreaming by playing back my daily interactions with people and myself in my head. I do this a lot while at work because it's like my body is doing one thing but my mind is fixated elsewhere. I guess in those movies, it depicts some characters working at a job and feeling really bad about a breakup or heavy loss. I, myself, am like the type who lives through that discomfort while thinking about and doing the required work.

From having let go of those thoughts momentarily and putting my full effort and focus on getting the work done, I'm finding that I'm more efficient and faster at managing those tasks. When I think about other stuff and do the same, tedious work, I become more slower at finishing things. I guess I'm smart enough to personally realize it. It's starting to become fun playing a personal game with myself of letting go of those minor incidences that seriously tick me off and focusing on the just doing the work. I'm probably good for about five minutes before a random thought pops up on my head. I guess it's something my body does to adjust to the boredom of my job. I can have some serious and deep conversations within myself over incidences and it's pretty crazy; then, I'll start messaging on Facebook to bother some strange girls who don't want to be my friend. I've been a lot smoother at it these days, so those girls don't seem to overreact in a crazy fashion like they used to with me.