Friday, September 27, 2013

Girl Problems

I have finally come to the ultimate closure of all time! All my problems that I focused on during the past years were deeply rooted on having girl problems. It was right under my nose all this time. The incident involved me being frustrated from being shy about asking a girl's personal life; it wasn't even over asking her out on a date, but I did have a crush on her so maybe, it would have led to that. I was just scared of the overwhelming feeling I would get, if she said she had a boyfriend.

From my deep routed frustrations of being shy, it scared them a whole lot and they came up with different views about it they didn't like with me and caused a majority to get carried away with their view. It's funny now because just the other day, I asked a girl who I felt was okay if she was dating anyone; after she said, yes, I felt this overwhelming feeling of sadness that I wasn't expecting. It's funny because I can laugh it off, but I was just feeling a little jealous about her having someone to possibly settle down with. I was like, I want to settle down too with someone nice to myself. I was feeling really tortured and uncomfortable underneath at the moment after having asked her, but at the same time I was trying to laugh it off and now after the feelings went away really fast, I think it's funny to recall the moment.