Monday, September 9, 2013

Balancing Between Thinking And Acting Out

Through having a calm and collected reassurance with living my own personal life, I believe that it's normal to go after personal desires whether it's thought of it as being selfish or not. My desires tend to be about making the most out of life with myself and inspiring others to have great relations with me.

The principle that I want to try to discuss is about how we should be doing everything out of preparation. Sometimes, things don't go according to plan and when the other person is fretting so much and we are taken a back from feeling mad or annoyed at the person, we need to take some time off from the person instead of continuing to push forward. Then the next step is to build overwhelming confidence that you won't feel angry with what the person is saying or doing to you and that you'll be prepared to handle anything that goes wrong no matter how silly or annoying the situation becomes.

Possibly after taking a breather for awhile and letting go of those angry feelings and once it's pretty certain you can't be so mad that you're frozen and not knowing what to do, then it's time to go back and talk to them while being yourself and letting them calm down with you. This is only if you have the desire to do this. It doesn't matter what they think at this point because you have developed so much personal integrity and self-confidence that you just naturally know what to do on the spot there without losing your own personal cool.