Saturday, September 21, 2013

Work Out Goals

My current endeavors are to do push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and running 2.5 miles. I basically run and do pull-ups everyday except on Sundays. My goal is to do two sets of 75 push-ups and then 80 push-ups successfully with one minute of rest in between and then to perform 160 sit-ups. I am currently at 29/34 push-ups per set and 100 sit-ups. It also includes repeating this work out again after performing the sit-ups and resting for one minute.

The amount of pull-ups I wish to perform is 30. I am currently at 6 or 8, if I want to count baby pull-ups. The run time is pretty solid already, but I am just running to maintain my health and to see if I could develop a more faster two-mile run. Once I reach my goals, I'm going to start doing the crazy and renowned home workouts known as P90X and Insanity. During those exercise programs, it will require me to have a healthy diet along with taking the right dietary supplements for maximum results in my physical body. I am looking forward to that day I change over, but I will always be implementing running as a favorable exercise.