Friday, September 27, 2013

Hearing Sirens

This is something that I felt was like divine intervention or something. It's just a weird feeling I get whenever I hear the sirens of the paramedics, cops, or fire fighters' trucks: I think they are coming after me. I think the reason why I felt this way a little is because I wasn't letting go of an incident that had so many people against me. Those people are wrong morally and mentally from having gone crazy with my personal, girl problem but still it made me get that scary feeling underneath my gut.

Since I've decided to move on and feel like I could be better than them in everything I do and will make a strong effort to get there, I don't really worry so much about the sirens anymore. Heck, I even feel I could talk my way out of things to the big boys they hire to try to kill me or something. I'm just thinking that going further with it won't benefit that much because the topic to have gone crazy over was so little, and it's their bad and they don't want to clean it up. They aren't even a threat to me, so why should I focus so much energy on something where they showed to be complete fools over to fix an incident that won't even do much good for others? It's just becoming completely nuts.

I'm just going to move on with the incident, but this whole time I was just searching for the reasons why everything happened so that's why I hung on to it. The reason for communicating in any way possible is because my personality intends on staying friends with just about anyone no matter what happened and no matter how much I'm angry and bug the other person. It's time to let go of the unimportant incident and move on for me. It was a girl problem, after all and pretty surprising that it actually happened to me and how I learned a lot off of it.