Friday, September 20, 2013

Normal Way To Let Go

I was a crazy addict and just had so much disregard for my own personal feelings when it came to being competitive at a video game. I remember how I didn't care how boring the game became and just kept playing it, even if it was eating away the hours of my life. It was a really stupid reason! I don't really care how I was in the past anymore and have let it go now. 

Whatever comes up my way, I might as well let that take route for me and go with the most stable bunch of people I can go with while being a leader at it. I used to be scared about making people overreact with me or going crazy with me, but now I realize it isn't necessarily because it's your fault. Having done something wrong and the person going crazy with you are two different things. The solution is to pretty much talk it over the right way, and I believe the best way is to be objective, funny, and logically persuasive to the point the other guy going crazy can't argue with you. With women, it's a little different, you can't just start verbally attacking them even though it's fun to do with guys you are mad at; women require a little more skill if you are a guy- you have to use honest and sweet words of encouragement; if done properly, women will be a better blessing then the guy you are arguing with and calling a dumb bell!

Basically, I just rambled on. I think it's safe to say if you become bored with something after having so much high hopes for it and can't do well at it then might as well look for a better option of creating a living. There are some people who have changed their major like five times already and have never graduated but even though I never caught on to that, I can understand how those feelings are normal. If you tried your best and just don't like something about it now and feel like you aren't that good at it, then might as well move on from it from the main course of your life. This is what I'm going to do then. I don't care how much I tried and failed at it; I'm just going to move on and try something else that I'm interested in- I'm human and have so many things I'm interested in anyway and still have something to work with for making a living anyway.