Friday, September 27, 2013

Making Adjustment

From working the second shift, I work from 2 - 11 pm. The benefit is that I get time to myself in the morning and to run some personal errands and get to wake up late. The main drawback is that most people work the regular 8-5 pm shift. Therefore, I'm left with time to hang out only during the weekends.

The work hours isn't really my main concern and finding someone like me to settle down has actually been fun. The thing I'm a little aware of that grabs my attention is that when I come home, I'm usually on the couch watching T.V. and passing out on there. I don't really want to continue that silly habit anymore. I'm going to try to focus more on dealing with my priorities even if I don't have anything to do; I might as well develop some personal projects to keep myself occupied then and get to working on those things. Like for instance, I could research and do boring stuff like learning another language instead of looking to entertain myself with interesting stuff on T.V. 

I think it's just a matter of preference but I like the idea of being more grown up these days and think the whole keeping myself busy on other things besides watching T.V. and surfing the web for pointless information to keep my mind entertained would be more practical and beneficial for me. I think having fun with lesser minded friends would balance out the whole being bored most of the time feeling. It's just a matter of discipline and wanting something badly enough to work hard for it. Getting all wish-washy seriously gets old after awhile for me, so might as well abandon those thoughts.