Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Centering On Healthy Goals

I think a lot of healthy attempts in becoming successful and satisfied in life has to deal with not wasting any precious time. For a time being, it felt like computer games and watching interesting films were king in my life. From doing that on a daily basis in college, it felt like I was getting my daily fill but what made it worse is that I felt really guilty from feeling very empty inside and with no absolute direction in life.

Times have changed for me these days. I'm starting to analyze things at a bigger picture and despite my emotions being whacked out of proportion in some areas dealing with a couple mean and peculiar individuals, I've finally learned to come through on a clean basis. I think sometimes the personal mind needs to take an emotional beating of bringing itself down over feelings of play time and then focus on a desired goal like a machine.

It's pretty cool that my positive intent can be communicated rather well with some ladies with crazy feelings at the moment. I'm glad that my sensitivities and actions are all coming into accordance with God's desires on a daily walk. The missing pieces that I have been longing for in my feelings have been connecting, and what makes things so much greater for me is that I don't mind being turned down by others anymore. If I had the time and money then I would have no problems helping to fix what I see wrong in others with an experience that I had; normally, as a unemployed college student, I would have no problems trying to fix the issue right away but I'm not at the stage anymore.

There are bigger things for me to focus on like career, being grounded spiritually, finding someone to settle down with, and developing as a better person, and helping others who are ready and willing to receive it. Even though I am greatly and emotionally ticked off to the point I could completely destroy their image these days, I need to focus on better things and have to let it go. Overall, I'm just happy that it worked out well for me because I obtained what I needed to know and actually demonstrated something nice with full potential and lasting, positive influence.