Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Developing Steps Higher

Girls in general can be crazy. Notice I said they can be and I'm not accusing them of anything bad. From knowing this, I still cope with them because the girls I'm around can be so cute to still be friends with. Girls are so emotional when they open up about problems in life, and I was listening to one the past weekend and I was like "Yeah, yeah" without really feeling much and then said that she'll figure something out. This seemed to make her feel good for some reason, but yeah, yeah, I understood her at least.

From being around these girls, I'm understanding better with what it takes to reach higher levels of success! It's through the stresses of life and being able to manage all of it while coping with the little stupid things like staying mad at crazy Christians at that dumb church. It seems like the more I make light of the situation with Crazy Lee, she's becoming more like a big fat "Whatever." Anyways, I guess it's good because I've done enough discussing about it. People say it's venting but no, I'm revealing the annoying truth about them little by little.

I need to basically stay awake a lot more. I have this wake-up and focusing supplement that also helps with controlling hunger for managing weight too. It's pretty expensive because one tablet can be worth about $2.00 but I get 40% discount so I'm not really hurting to be honest. The main ingredient that makes it work is obviously caffeine and there's no joke about it. It's just a sparkling water type version of coffee and meant to be drank very cold.

The way for me to develop myself higher is to stay awake more and manage my time better by avoiding cheaper decisions. I think decisions can be a form of money. Time is money too! The best decisions can be worth millions of dollars later on in life. The worst decisions can get someone locked up in jail! It's pretty much a world of making decisions and avoiding other scumbags out there like the crazy Christians at that church. I'm not mentioning names because I don't know if Crazy Lee is smart enough to be a scumbag. I'm questioning her intelligence despite her having a Master's in Psychology. This crazy lady put a restraining order on me while thinking it was going to keep me from coming back to visit her church. This qualifies for my criteria with her being stupid because there is no restraining order on me! I think I could convince mostly her and get others interested in making her to never become a foolish, female pastor too by going back and yelling at her even.