Friday, December 14, 2018

Letting Go Of Wasteful Energy

I wish everything good I write on here would stick with me, but I'm not quite naturally adept at doing that because my habit changes all the time from wanting to expose myself to different flavors of fun. I have learned that to have a healthy love interest in my female friends and cute girls I meet who are not married yet, I should seriously avoid watching anything pornographic altogether. I actually love the feeling of yearning for a love interest and to have this fulfillment so it's fun to go after healthy things to do the best one can to put himself in that position of getting married!

It's not that bad things happen to me if I do get exposed to sexiness and viewing nudity in films or real life, I just end up wasting energy on myself! I need to let go of wasting energy.

Just a little awhile ago, I was thinking that it's unwise to keep on thinking about negative thoughts that don't really have any justification. It's better to exercise self-control and let those go. Also, if there are facts like knowing someone like Crazy Lee is actually a negative contributor and bugging the brain cells, it's better to work on something else because it's wasting time and not having one go anymore. I would rather make Crazy Lee jealous of me, instead of continuing to gawk about how crazy she really is.