Thursday, December 27, 2018

Recovering Can Be So Hot

Besides the literal depiction of picturing a person recovering from a serious injury in a very hot town like Death Valley, it can actually be true by the way! I have made a few ladies laugh and they come from like nowhere who probably feel the same way about me. It's like from being this way often that I don't get recognition for it because obviously, if a person truly knows me, I'm being myself and not really trying that hard. I'm lucky in a sense that I've learned how to have a lot of fun while doing smart activities and to persevere through times of suffering even though I didn't have to.

It's like after learning through of these crazy stuff that happened to me, they aren't really that bad to recover from and what's going to make me so hot as a person is whatever I want to believe and making that happen. The energy from it is going to be so fly with some people and from out of that, I can attract attention from a really hot lady. From a hot guy meeting a hot lady, it makes sense for them to start dating and from there have even more fun in marriage, if you know what I mean eh?