Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Feeling Good Today

Yesterday, I actually set out to finish what I had in mind and boy, it feels great to look back on it a little today. I want to keep this going from now on. I made a tough decision to lay off of porno and I feel like tapping myself on the back. The temptation is great while having no girlfriend to prepare myself to be the best lover I can be. It feels like since I have no date, I can permissibly look at that stuff to feed my curiosity and find answers that will suit my purposes. Yet, I don't feel clean about it and it isn't illegal to do and I'm getting away with it being all free on the Internet but I just feel so much more pure if I lay off of it.

I guess I can put in some work with sex once I find the right person and marry. For now, I should be getting squared away with making tons of money and building up my body in the gym and also going out there to meet all the interesting and attractive single ladies I can get to. For getting all the glory from a human standpoint, it's the guys who need to take a risk of getting rejected and possibly the really pretty ladies who buried themselves with some personal problems won't buy into much the guys are trying to offer them. It's pretty much going to look like a bust for the guys to go after them, but it's life and without going after it still, there won't ever be the opportunity again. I think it's irritating and bothers me a lot for some guys out there to chase after women once he knows they are already taken. I'm still not going to do that even if I feel a connection with her. I just won't and still don't care if a lady I end up dating does it to me. I'll just move on to the next and better person out there I can pursue after.

By putting in great effort and making the right decision, the momentum just carries over and it can't even be done while being self-conflicted. It was tough to get out of all those little annoying issues that was constantly badgering me, but I feel so much more confident these days and I think it's thanks to my profession which I'm so lucky and blessed to have. I really have to be thinking a lot and be so detailed and logical about it while testing these concepts to see that they follow through with near perfect execution. This is what software developing is all about and it's something I seriously enjoy doing and even getting paid for.