Friday, March 22, 2019

More Regrets Added

Something I see myself improving upon is that I could get the small things done that have historically taken me forever- like packing for a trip! Just for a weekend trip, I started packing around midnight and the trip starts today and it took me three hours! Yikes, how does a guy end up doing that? Well, it makes sense and sort of once I mention that I have a lot of gadgets all over the place that I'm trying to find, along with a lot of materialistic things to help keep me comfortable. It's going to be super cold and I even thought about going out late night shopping to pick up food that I will cook on the trip.

All these little thoughts of planning came into play and I had to jam it all in under a three hour session. The only thing I'm really grateful for is that I managed to finish planning what to do for making it a fun and interesting trip the day before. It was the fun and easy part for me and didn't take that as long as considering what I wanted to bring and wear and having to sort through a whole pile of old things that don't seem so fun while going anywhere.

Basically, I regret finishing my long packing sessions on the night before and really getting going at the last minute especially when sleep is a valuable thing. I guess since today is a Friday and I can be historically up all night regardless of how much I slept the night before then maybe it could pass for being okay. The crazy thing is that I can't do it so well on a Friday night because I will then have to kiss my weekend goodbye to recover. It's interesting that maybe Thursday nights are really my peak-filled sessions where I can brainstorm and be so active all I want to be. I wonder how well I would do if I found myself surrounded with attractive, sweet, and single ladies who wanted to stay up all night to chat with me.