Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Finding Girlfriend Update

Right now I'm just trying to balance everything out and become a wealthy individual with a lot of free time on my hands. On top of this, I'm trying to figure it out while doing things that are technically legal or questionable things I know I can still get away with without hurting myself physically, mentally, or emotionally. I don't like the idea of being influenced by any form of drugs in general, so I know I'll keep on staying sober. I'm a nice person and there's no doubt about it to me now. The struggles I put myself through sometimes is because I don't want to cut mean people off still and from wanting to play messy with them. I'm not the person to really tick off because I can pull clever tricks out of my sleeve while being angry. It's interesting how I can argue against people calling me crazy and turn the tables around while arguing that they are and get others in the circle to side with me now.

Well, it looks like I might be moving on from a chick I'm close friends with. I'll still be her buddy, but the whole dating aspect is something I'll lay low with. She likes me and is attached to me to the point that I'm like a true big brother to her and someone who can keep up with her preferences of traveling and doing fun things together. I don't like being called a brother by her though because it feels messed up to be honest. Yet, I have been analyzing her personality this whole time and for myself, I think it would really suck to be her boyfriend right now.

It's got to the point where I have hung out with physically attractive ladies enough already that now I'm not so hung up so much on their appearances. I only need to be attracted enough and don't have to weigh it equally anymore with the personality. I think having the beautiful personality that I'm looking for makes her appear so much hotter for me. So far, there are two ladies I feel this special vibe with because of their personality. I'll have to get around to trying to get to know them more sometime.