Friday, March 29, 2019

Weekend Plans

One of my attractive friends is having an engagement party and she invited me out to go along with a lot of my friends. Some of them can't make it, but I told her that I would be there. I'm a little sad because I haven't met anyone good enough for me yet to marry. Well, there are two ladies I have met and have their numbers with mighty fine personalities and one of them is hotter than the other and they are also single so maybe this could even out the playing field for me these days.

I might as well sweeten the reward and work ratio by searching and adding more of those types of girls' number. The interesting thing is that those girls have come from being friends with a girl who genuinely likes me and is also attracted to me. I haven't tried to officially date her yet, but she's cool with it. She still has a lot of work left to do on herself, but she can also be a genuinely hot and sweet girl. In the end though, I think she just wants to go chill in India for the rest of her days and meditate on something peaceful at one of those religious temples all day and not do anything.

I think what I can learn off of this is that if I can meet more outgoing ladies who really like me and want to see me get in a relationship with a hot girl then I'm all golden for it! I guess she will have to be at least decent looking with a good enough personality, so I can stand hanging out with her constantly and also introduce her to more ladies of the similar kind. They can form a team and help me find some really hot girls to date and get to know!