Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Update In Personal Philosophy

I believe there's always that one thing any person will just look for, unless he or she is just open to how to things are. It's just normal to be one-dimensional but there's really a purpose for how everything else is now. To be on the short end of it, well it's not always a pleasant feeling and to imagine myself arguing all day about it with shouting and expressing myself, it actually sort of feels good with the thought of doing nothing but verbally attacking the situation like that. Okay, I'm saying all of it with a laugh because I like to always play to end up on the smart end of things.

Yet, to feel like a loser doesn't necessarily mean that life is all over. There's a period where you can just regroup and work so hard for it. It's difficult and depressing sometimes to just screw up something and to constantly have this cycle going on. Why not just give it all up and settle with being sad and not entirely satisfied with anything?

There's a standard that we all accept I guess and are happy to live under. I just happen to be one of those who wants to always go for greatness and be on top with everything. It's hard to fill those orders and to let down people and lose some Facebook friends (my literary casualties). It even hurts for me but I guess I could use those letdowns from being a letdown to someone else to make me strive to be a better person and continue to go for streaking my way to the top, once again.