Monday, March 18, 2019

Living With Solid Plans

Basically, it seems like the incidents that I've been through have been so stupid that I think only a few people notice my controversial patterns and end up shutting me out for some reason. I've been maintaining a bunch of female friends lately and it's now that I'm regularly in contact with ladies more than guys now. It's still about the a 50-50% ratio because I don't have that many friends, but the ladies outnumber the guys by a little still.

I'm still looking for the one and I'm basically friends with two single ladies. There's a third one too but she's like way out of my league or she wants to feel that way I guess. I don't feel that comfortable about having a relationship with her anyway even though she is good looking and a nice person to be friends with on occasion.

I guess I just don't really care about the past anymore with how people made me mad now. I'm pretty much over it because I realize I can just debate my tail off and feel like I got somewhere now. It's just that I was so lazy from doing nothing about it and was painful sitting there and feeling like I'm always burning with anger and not being able to do anything about it. Those feelings really suck and I'm glad I'm figuring myself out over these little issues now. It's like passing these small trials so that I could be equipped for something really serious.