Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Christmas Eve

First off, I would like to thank everyone who visited this site even if they found something was off and then left immediately while never ever coming back again! It's been a wild ride this year since I'm writing this post two days before Halloween comes around the corner. 

The way I have it set up is writing on average at most two posts a day from Monday to Friday and then taking the weekends and vacation days off. I've been doing this to stress my commitment of trying to average one post a day on this blog, so the best way to show it has been to use a scheduler. I'm using the one from Gmail and it works very well. It's just that I'm typing into an email textbox to make these posts, so it might take a little getting used to or maybe no one in the world will ever come around to doing something unique like I'm doing with it. The reason I have chosen this scheduler is because I don't want to pay for anything when I don't have to, so Gmail keeps everything free with enough storage space to save some backup files I make at work and allows me to take it anywhere around the world. 

I hope everyone has a jolly Christmas and is doing well, despite feeling for a lot of families who have been struggling to get by. It's a major break to finally have grown into a very confident and positive man, starting from this year. 

One of the new things I'm applying from having learned it is thinking about how I can make myself better and let go of the past. My emotions are strongly attached to it so I figure that it's still going to come back to haunt me, but this time I want to just use those feelings for motivation to be a better person for myself and let it go quietly in a repeated fashion.