Friday, December 18, 2020

Learning from the Past

I'm inspired by the Holy Spirit to take a completely different approach to how I have usually done it. Normally, I would just go through the same emotional cycle of stressing out temporarily while blurting out offensive insults around nobody and then calm myself down. 

Now, I want to see how I could improve myself over the incident that just passed regardless of feeling like it was my fault or not. Then, I want to let the whole thing go while having learned something good about it. I think this is the best approach with allowing myself to always have a peace of mind.

I'm going to admit here that I do cuss out loud by myself while thinking about Annie, an old caregroup leader from my ex-church. It's pretty funny to think of my former care group at my former church like a bitter ex who turned into a lost cause with me. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I do want to let the whole thing go for my own sanity now. It's been ten years already. 

Okay, I'll go even further to say that I treated them like a concubine because I always saw them as second class compared to my main church I loved to attend! They didn't like me doing this of course but I think their Biblical doctrine is a little twisted to suit their own selfish needs. Isn't this already a common and believable accusation for the world to understand? 

Anyway, I don't want to yell cuss words anymore whenever I randomly feel haunted by the past with these exes! I can be inspired by the Holy Spirit now whenever those hardships resurface to improve and make myself happier while looking to move on to the point that I won't be bothered by seeing their faces anymore! I already made my vow from being inspired by the Holy Spirit to try my best in getting along with them.