Sunday, December 27, 2020

Using Time Wisely

I think the best thing to do for me is to pretty much lay off of watching this fun and addictive anime show. I'm about forty more episodes away from finishing it now and it's spanned for over 300 episodes already while enjoying two movies to go with it! 

I mean I love the show and drama it portrays with the beautiful theme of struggle and always being there for your friends. I still won't mention the show I was watching. It isn't perfect by any means but it's fun to binge watch for the most part. Now, a new Star Wars season is coming up with the Mandalorian where it features a baby Yoda. At least for this one, I can just enjoy watching one episode weekly for the next couple months and then spend my other time on the weekend cooking for my best friend.  

Oh, did I mention that this post was made the day before Halloween? I know how crazy that sounds and can be related in a loose and silly way to the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a Halloween movie set during the time of Christmas and there's Santa Claus involved with the ringleader just to give a little away to make it fun to watch. 

Well, I think I need to man up with my addictions to having fun and attend to my more productive and grown-up activities even if it sounds flat out boring sometimes. It's still fulfilling to me in a sense, so I guess I need to be a little more in tune better with my boring personal side.