Saturday, December 5, 2020

Million Dollar Plan

I personally believe that I'm on the path to becoming a millionaire in about five years or less. I really don't think it's something you can fully teach to others properly because it deals with managing risk, and there's some psychology that will be involved. I also don't want to trade other people's money and get some commission off of it when I could just manage my own and keep all the profit that goes with it. I feel really selfish in this area and don't really want to help other people make money. It's like a competition to me and how you have to put in the work to earn it; otherwise, choke from having made some critical errors! 

Anyhow, I think the most important thing is having dignity and a peace of mind from finding a lot of self-confidence and positivity while also getting results from putting in the work with some discipline. I'm a lot better than unusual these days and seems to be only improving. It's sort of giving me the confidence to go ask out a couple girls I'm highly attracted to and see what I can make of it!