Thursday, December 3, 2020

Listing Few Tasks I Want to Do and Find Important

I think for my personality, it's really easy for me to identify that it's three main things that I find the most important for my physical needs. Honestly, for my spiritual side, I'm happy to be trying to plug myself into listening to the Word daily which I have trouble following so now I have purchased a very thick volume called the Believer's Bible Commentary which is in great shape and came half off at a secular book store! It's unique and was the last and only one there, so I will put it to great use to just get a basic understanding of the Bible and start getting better hints on what God really wants me to do with my life. Sure I have my needs also and will make my petitions via prayers and then go for it and hope to reach like the stars! There was also a classic Christian book called A Purpose Driven Life and that one was sold to me for only a dollar!  These came from a book store that isn't religious at all and they treated these books with some under value which works for me. I'll be back later so I can buy many more books sold at that store for cheap.  

Basically, I said the most important one for me was work and I guess that would be easy for most to identify with. The second one is investing my money through stocks and speculating with trading foreign currencies right now. I'm holding up with little to some profit right now and it's better than nothing. Lastly, it's a combination of exercise and nutrition so keeping up with good health. Everything else is pretty much unnecessary and something I'm doing for fun or because I feel obligated to, except for getting out often to just hang out or trying to piece together in my head that very instant how I can date this hot lady I laid my eyes on! 

Being single has its advantages in that from having gained a lot of self-confidence with unwavering positivity, I'm free to roam around with less interruptions in my personal life. I was thinking about copying and sending this post to married peers I don't associate with anymore and not in very good standing at the moment for laughs to just stick it to them! I think I'll hold off on it and just write on here that I was considering it.