Sunday, December 13, 2020

Putting in Better Value With My Time

Yesterday, I really sought out to spend some time purchasing essentials online but I got carried away with watching live Game 1 in the World Series with the Dodgers and Rays playing each other. I know it's like a month and half behind schedule here, but this is how I have been rolling with all these posts. I'm currently 52 days ahead of schedule, so it looks like I'm averaging at around that pace with preparing these posts often. 

The way I'm able to do this is from using the scheduler from G-mail. I've already made a few blunders from choosing the wrong date or time and not double checking it several times. Overall, it hasn't been much of an issue to maintain though. The best part of all this is that it's free and not requiring me to set up another server so I could do this fancy and enviable operation of posting onto this blog in a daily, robotic fashion.

There's really no money for me to gain from sharing some personal experience or wisdom, and I prefer to keep it like that. After all, I'm keeping myself anonymous forever and not really accepting any comments. There's a sneaky way to reach me of course, but there's no guarantee I'll write back! It will be funny to see how long this keeps going even when I pass away. 

Of course, I have found better success in reaching readers by participating on another site. I have only one post that's starting to act viral. It's all just for fun and I even shared this post with a potential girlfriend who said she loved it! 

I like to keep it real without holding anything back, while condensing main ideas into a few understandable sentences. It's just hard to implement in real life, so I know it's still going to be a challenge for those who are struggling. These are the people I'm reaching, so they might not be the most stable crowd to be around right now but nonetheless I used to be one in that crowd. 

I think the main reason why I'm able to share my thoughts so openly and feel good about them without holding anything back is that I feel very comfortable and confident about making my money with investing and trading currency which is something I'm not discussing at all on that site. I'm only talking about the answers I have from what I used to struggle with figuring out, so I can see it bothering very few people who would be too weak and averse to do anything about it anyway.