Monday, December 28, 2020

Making Progress

It looks like I'm starting to get used to handling business while working with up and down cycles without being too affected by it emotionally. It's really hard when you are feeling like you are in a rut sometimes, but there are ways to get around it if you develop enough confidence. This isn't something that can really be taught anywhere, but somehow, it needs to be caught on by yourself. Sure, it helps to read books that you think might be good and other people you are interested in listening to for getting nice hints. 

Well, this is how I personally function in that I can't really absorb everything like a sponge any more. I'm sadly not at that age now. It would have been nice to be provided with good role models when I started out but I guess my family background is in that I'm supposed to be just another individual out there to live his life. It makes sense for me to not really be appealing at all to the large masses. I'm not really attracted by how good others may have it too, nor do I struggle with that much jealousy over it. I don't mind waiting for my own go around with it or just laying off of it if it's not comfortable enough for any reason. 

What's really nice about all of this is that I seriously have an inner core that's very confident about taking me places and have the willingness to put in all the effort to do so. It's just that I'm not really interested in following what excites people in general while doing my own thing. It could be that I'm not targeting myself to be the best for some competition either, so it's okay for me to accept being overlooked by anyone while just doing enough to be content with myself.