Sunday, December 20, 2020

Yesterday's Approach

I think what drove me pretty hard was my strong interest to finish up with watching an anime series. It's just too fun to let up on the binge watching activity. I think the best thing is for me to limit it and work on my goals that feel boring or stressful because I feel that there's better value and will feel more rewarding later on after putting my time into it. 

I basically have competing interests underneath me personally. Yet, I put in my bare minimum work to feel like I earned the right to binge watch last night. I also felt like I lost a sense of personal direction and timing while going into my zone of staying stimulated with enjoying a 2-dimensional and fictional world. I find these to be more entertaining than regular shows with actors pretending to be someone else. I think it's because there's more freedom for the artists to express themselves and I notice the liberties they take to animate things that people in real life would never attempt or allow some budgeting for.

I'm going to try to come up with a concrete list and then just try my best to follow it. If I can't finish, then it's totally fine but as long as my heart is in tune with it no matter what I do then it will still satisfy me enough.