Saturday, February 12, 2022

Finding Happy Resolve

I tend to be very confrontational to the point of wanting to push the envelope with wanting dumb people who were crazy with me to improve. There are many options I have like chewing them out and then continuously looking for different ways of chewing them out! It's a sick, dad joke. 

I've gained a lot of personal confidence over the years, so it's probably unwise to start something with me that's going to make my blood boil. At the same time, I do care about being a good person at the individual level, no matter how mad I feel. I understand that I can not be in the mood with the strong angry and negative emotions setting an undertone for me. I can feel it, so I have to monitor it sometimes or even take a break from another person if it feels too overwhelming. Overall though, I still care about maintaining good relationships no matter how angry I was the night before. It's my own unique personality which might feel like a curse but is probably really a blessing from God to keep myself a sensible person in this world. 

The worst option for me so far is walking away from someone to take a break for a while. I've done it to my oldest high school best friend and also my soulmate! I'm still not going to refuse them if they need me in case of any emergency. They probably wouldn't ever imagine calling me though.