Monday, February 7, 2022

Working on Focusing

It first comes down to understanding the results and being satisfied with them or not. If you're not, then you need to identify the issues that are blocking you from getting to the happy result. The next plan is to figure out what needs to be done to fix the issue, which might be doing the opposite. The last thing is to put a three step action plan into it. 

In other words, proper habits will bring about proper results. It's crystal clear and the only way to reach success is to work on eliminating enough bad habits that block you from reaching it. 

I'm not fully happy with my results yesterday because I didn't manage to finish my day by doing self-hygiene. This needs to be fixed.

I recognize that my sleepiness still overtakes me and then I'm pretty much done for the night. I'm going to need a better time to complete doing the extra things I'm interested in doing. I'm going to need to first update my To-Do List.