Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden

I knew somewhere deep down inside that Bin Laden could be translated into other languages and mean something. In German, laden means music and I guess I recognized it a little because I took German for about four years in high school before forgetting it from not using it. Nein! Nein! Nein! Ich habe mehr deutscher Hausaufgaben tun. Ich habe ein grosser **** aber ich fuhle das ist so kleiner. Something cool about German is that you capitalize nouns unlike in the English language where there's a special capitalization for Him the Almighty. Did you know that human civilizations in the past have actually searched for answers about the unknown and worshiped a God they were probably ignorant about? Is this a natural coincidence that humanity was formed to question and philosophize on these matters and also given the liberty to choose to not to believe based on freewill?

It's cool stuff, honestly speaking from the heart and to also receive challenges from various types of scientific and religious groups. Pretty exciting to deal with frustrated folks in those communities who are just so convinced their analysis and evidence are correct and with lots of differing views. I think some people just want to probably just chow down on food and relax and just be like getting along easily with people and not make it that big of an issue to argue with people and become all fuming in the head somewhere- I guess this is also natural for some people to be like this.

Back to Bin Laden, Ich bin Laden in German would translate to I am music haha. Here's something that's really scary, Osama Bin Laden was a middle child in his family tree and the most problematic people I've faced so far are those who are the middle child. If I have kids, I sort of want to equalize out the middle child factor by having an even number of kids haha. The majority of people on my weird people list are the middle child haha. I guess it doesn't hurt that much if I'm nice to a pretty girl whose a middle child because she might get along with me- that's probably the only exception I'll make. I guess Betty is a pretty beautiful middle child haha. Oh yeah, also one of my greatest friends is also a middle child haha. I'm in a team of the oldest kids and we are working on a project which is pretty cool actually. I have to really watch out for the middle child because it could mean a life or death decision during crunch time.

So Osama Bin Laden is dead and a deadly tornado struck the nation at the heart of Tuscalossa, Alabama. These events are really crazy. Some patriots were carousing around the streets after hearing news of Bin Laden's death as depicted in the news. I agree with what President Obama said in that it's just the beginning. I didn't know Pakistan was an ally to the U.S. which is where some people in the Bin Laden clan were staying at. There seriously is at least some suspicion. Osama Bin Laden's death reminds me of a documentary I watched on how one of the most dangerous drug dealers of all time, Pablo Emillo Escobar Gaviria, was killed during a melee with the Police.