Monday, May 2, 2011

Now That It's Over

Now that it is over with me being in this whole "Who cares?" resolution and how I can communicate with anybody who is trying to be a jerk to get his cheap laughs because I end up laughing at him too and getting others to laugh. Hey, if they end up putting me to the grave then at least I have some integrity going on here and that they're just denying it and that's it. I don't mind my life coming to a close like that- I'm a believer of Christ too and think that heaven is up there so it's peaceful times for me. I could even go to war if I had to and fight for the people who are scared or the hippies and tree hugging people who want to end the war and end up in jail. I'm ready to help fight for the good cause, and if I'm in the wrong I'm going to defect, no doubt about it- I don't care what happens to me because I want the ideal to take roots and for all my loved ones to know that I'll be missing them and really am sorry about it and care for them if it ever happens. If there's blackmail involved, it becomes a form of trying to outsmart the opponent eh? haha

Okay, enough with my whole strategy and big talking- it's time to for me to see how I'm going to make enough money acceptably and get to be living my dream occupation now. If I get bombed the next day on my pursuit of happiness, then I accept that my peaceful life is in the hands of Christ. I may become staggering and get all beat up on the road with different situations really causing me to get all sinful and cynical, but there's one thing that I know, I believe that Christ is real no matter how bad the situation is and seems like to me God can't do anything about it because something wants to tell me that maybe God isn't real. I'm a guy who thrives at struggling in life for the short term and then experiencing something good out of it in the long run. I'm a short dude too and don't have hops so I'll lose at sports if I put all my heart into it haha so I guess I enjoy playing sports for fun still even though I'm going to lose all over the place.

According to my research about women, they aren't really that hard to be around because at least some might try to be accepting of you before they get all angry about something and put a restraining order on you haha. I'm sort of kidding because I don't know fully because I haven't experienced that. At least you can say something to try to convince them to not to do that when they get mad at you about anything. I got to that point and the lady said it's a waste of time to pursue a restraining order- she's my little sister who was just nagging at me haha about her hardships and she said she loved me at the same time so I believe her. She was like she has no brother haha and that he's dead haha. They are some actual and privileged funny times, and I think there was some romantic tension between us that she might have repressed while she was young- I was this super good boy she looked up to while growing up and it was something that was natural for me. It's just that I don't follow that super good boy model all the time anymore from trying to be normal in Biblical terms which is so hard for me to accomplish but I want to get there someday. I'm not into gay or bi-sexual bashing anyway; the Bible speaks about loving others and not tolerance so this idea seems to put some idea into the heads of some gay people in the community to protest which is unnecessary but I guess they're going to do it anyway. Those gay people are not tolerating the fact that some people don't like them being gay in general; are they happy about protesting through some intolerance? In a way, tolerance can be such a misnomer because who would want to tolerate evil all over the place and promote there is no good and evil which is scary and like saying "Welcome to the jungle!" haha

I wonder if some crazy ideas are actually lived up to by the people who actually promote them. They probably don't and just do it for different reasons. The real ones who do live up to them could also be confused about something and choose to be that way. Hmm, with all of those considerations- I'm trying to make a decent and acceptable living in paying off all my 25 G's that I still owe. Imagine I said that I'm a doctor who owes 25 G's and went to this school and promoted it- I wonder how many would actually try it if it was smooth as tasting the best scoop of ice cream haha.