Saturday, May 7, 2011

Healing Myself Figuratively

Man, I feel like an ancient person right now haha living in advantageous times because of the potential I've acquired from being around all of this useful technology. It might be cool to also own a racing horse someday and let it be sired to create other horses haha. The slight problem with technology these days is that a lot of it seems to be complacent and so some of those jobs are actually saturated.

This is something that I finally figured out after all this time of wandering off in my delusional world. Jobs in the technology field are always going to be there but because of the high skill set and experience that many companies demand, getting in is still going to be competitive. For getting an entry level position, there aren't too many around and a lot of graduates are going to fight for that one spot. The people who are lucky enough to get started right out of college are pretty much going to have a wealthy career if they stick to it. For a guy of my caliber now compared to the field, I need to have already about five years of experience which would pretty much let me nail any job that I want in the computer field.

From being an idiot, I wasted the opportunities to work at a computer job and couldn't hack it properly. As a failure in the employment world, I'm left with two options now which is to either start my own computer business and gain the useful world experience out of it or pretty much waste my computer degree and government money and find something belittling to do. It's very displeasing right now because the world doesn't give too many chances to prove yourself, and I failed to impress during those opportunities. At least I'm doing something right now to make a living even if it's not that much. As weird as this sounds, I'm still on my path of living out my desires dealing with this whole finding a financial break. I'm basically not a quitter no matter how bad the situation appears for me and no matter how much it feels like my life is ruined over a silly matter. Man, I'm sort of like a master with the English language in that I could actually communicate to people who want to argue with me no matter if I'm overreacting about it or now; despite, everybody hating me at the moment for being a smart Alec about it. In a way, it's like this whole bringing personal welfare thing starts with yourself and if it is a healthy mindset then you're probably going to be well on your way.