Friday, June 15, 2012

Developing a Winning Spirit

A personal commitment through the rough struggles is what I really lacked in the last couple years. I really didn't know most of the time what I was getting myself into, and I didn't know how to look past beyond what my needs were at the time. Things felt really crazy, and I couldn't accept that I wasn't measuring up to a situation when I was indeed some things incorrigibly. It took about a year to recover from making those few big key decisions.

I went through so much doubt and yet, I did the best I could to keep my head high. I was pretty much a normal person who put himself through situations that he felt he wasn't properly trained for. I felt like a person who made some really stupid decisions and was pretty much screwed because of having a pessimistic attitude of how the system was made. I really tried but it didn't seem like it was enough to measure up to an acceptable standard when I was given the chance. From missing those chances when I was given an opportunity, I buried myself into a deeper hole.

When the going gets tough, pretty much take the straight path and try not to curtail through things while being diligent and mindful to do the required work to earn a paycheck. It might put a strain on relations with other people for awhile, but nothing like putting it to the test to see who your best friends really are. It's also being done out of personal necessity, and if the person you're trying to get relate to you isn't able to comprehend it then I guess it's time to move on while maintaining pretty significant effort to explain things in plain speech or get back to the person when you have time again. Without having those hardships, there really wouldn't be development in some key areas that really matter. It's about maintaining a good healthy attitude and doing the best to keep progress while being personally honest the whole time. It really works and will help develop some sort of stability and the ability to resolve personal matters that originated in some conflict no matter how lost the situation became.