Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Living Through Feeling Doubtful

Whenever I've felt doubtful in the past, I've usually just found ways to waste my time and not really invest it into things that would pretty much contribute to feeling content later. In a way, it seems like we could sometimes find ourselves doing something that would end up making us feel short-changed. It's all a part of growing up and without those experiences being something we can learn from, we can't really become a more fuller person. I've had a habit of just sitting around and just thinking about what I'm feeling and not really getting anything done. It sometimes takes awhile for my emotions to settle down and for me to start accomplishing what I need to do. Basically, I tried to run down those emotions by focusing on other distractions but all it would do is just make me procrastinate on what I really wanted to do and confuse me all over the place.

It takes a lot of heart to be able to live up to self-expectation and to be able to embrace those moments of not progressing. In a way, it's just a way of keeping up and checking one's status; it's like going through a series of tests in life and attaining new skills. Making mistakes could be seen as like failing a major course for education if the person truly desired to succeed at it. Personal stability is something that is really hard to come by these days. A lot of it seems to be a little-off balance for some people who can't really control their temper too well, which pretty much turns off others around them. Of course, having worries and concerns and actually finding resolve with them is probably what separates the men from the boys.

What I'm trying to say is that there's actually a higher calling through what we deal with in our emotions daily. I say try to listen to it and go after it. I'm not saying to indulge in evil feelings and lustful intentions that are far from being a moral person. I believe that the stronger person has the ability to deal with fearfulness and be able to confront a scary situation head-on by doing the right thing at all costs. Sometimes we lose our ground and get tossed around by waves of problems and it makes me lose consciousness on what is right. During those moments, there's a dependable source we can rely on if it's what the person truly desires. To have this higher grounds of living in principle even when life is at its worst moments is something that should at least be considered by the person if he or she hasn't done it alreadly.