Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What I'm Going To Do With These Feelings

I have plenty of feelings, just like any other human being does. It's basically composed of one feeling- boredom! Boredom exists; therefore, I exist- I am; therefore, I think. From being bored the whole time and bored from people acting dumb and then shunning me which I don't really care. From people being who they are and me not caring so much about it sometimes, I am just plain bored being by myself and having to study all this stuff to interact with other boring people.

Excitement is in one of those few people that we are all surrounded by. These people are rare and so I have to think about the common things, which are boring people sometimes. These boring people can do funny things every once in awhile and even if it's being ngeative towards me, it still brings a lot of entertainment and something to think about. I'm not the type who will write up lies and stuff about people to defame and bring them totally down. I do it through telling the truth! The truth is so down to the point in that it amazes me.