Monday, January 11, 2021

Main Thing to Work On

The biggest thing I have going is pretty much falling asleep early, right after getting back home from work and eating dinner. I'm not absolutely fond of living with my parents when I would prefer to move out with a lot of money in my pocket. The way I'm trying to go about this is from investing in stocks and trading currency for money now. It's definitely a risk but so far, I'm doing good so I'm just going to have to keep on going at it. 

My third form of making money which is from doing Poker is just taking off too much time for me now. I think I'm already satisfied with the work I put in at my family company and the income I make. I don't really need to do any extra anymore, even though I could. I just think that it takes up too much time and I prefer to live a more balanced life like working out and cooking food for myself. 

Yesterday, my mind ended up slacking off from turning off my smart genes and I gave in a little to my lustful temptations. I don't believe in getting physically intimate before marriage because for me, the Bible says so and I don't really care what other reason is out there. It's just preposterous and the main thing to focus on would be fully loving your partner and not looking for anything smaller than that out of just wanting some pleasure. Once the marriage is set in place, it's time to make it a more fun deal instead of feeling like it's work sometimes.