Saturday, June 25, 2011

Have To Keep Pushing

Okay, I'm going to try to follow a small repertoire everyday of looking at news and noting the significance of the day if I find anything interesting to note it on this blog now. I am technically copying and pasting from the Yahoo! Homepage and using for finding all the different observances of the day. I might add a little more from using Wikipedia and reading other sources and I will try to list them as best as I can. I will do this before I rip off into my own personal "La la" Land on this blog haha.
Interesting News
1. The state of New York just legalized gay marriage.

2. Regular telephones, newspaper publishing, and American apparel are all declining in the economy these days.

3. Mercedes Benz has released back its super car which was released in 1953.

Significance of Today
1. The Korean War was started today at around 4:00 am when the North Korean army invaded the south. Unfortunately, Russia and China were also Communists and it was probably on the minds of the U.N. that attempting to sustain the desires of the U.S. to unify Korea into a democratic republic would prolong a bloody battle. (Dealing with the female descendants of these Communistic countries, I guess I've learned to like some of them still for no apparent reason haha.) Therefore, a division was drawn at a neutral zone and the war was halted at a stalemate meaning that it has never ended. Koreans know how to stop a major battle for sure and recognize each other as like blood and getting along with each other even though they're still at war- now that's a peaceful fight I sort of take some pride in.

I say that that the North and South Koreans should unite and take out their batons and give a nice spanking to this one group I won't mention. I'm not talking about sexual harassment, I'm talking about corporal punishment from being uptight, spoiled, misguided, sociopathic, and taking things too personally. I would like to see them as my spanking men with these adults who acted like angry kids haha just to force them to snap out of it. I would like to say that we all have these types of people in our lives that we want to get this type of treatment. I'm not saying these people I listed in the past are weird anymore because I've wiped their slate clean but I would sort of like to imagine my army doing what I specified to them- minus, err Betty and Annie (okay, I see her feminine side now from what she did; I'm still glad that I would pick Betty over Annie and Darunee Lee Wongstapadat [what a Wong'-in last name- I have to ask her if I spelled it right or when I'm not lazy I'll look at the court order form she sent me haha] and wrote it honestly on this blog so I guess I can take my honesty for granted because it might be composed of some above average sharpness).  

2. Today is also Leon Day! It's "Noel" spelled backwards to signify there's 6 more months left until Christmas. I know that is going to draw some laughs- blame San Francisco!

Time To Blog

I'm currently trying to force myself to get started now and to avoid getting carried away with trivial things. It's tough because I'm engaged in unimportant stuff like it's an addiction right now. I remember a few years ago, I might have just felt like crying and tearing my whole room apart with an axe before stopping myself from going any further. Something that I've managed to add to my daily repertoire is actually consistency in itself. I find myself practically doing the same thing everyday and have found its great benefits of helping me live a stable life.

I'm really trying to fight some boredom from being ignorant about what my motivations are in the moment. I keep forgetting like a dog that keeps going back to eat its vomit haha minus the part that the dog might actually be enjoying its meal. (I thought dogs were carnivores because they don't seem to mind biting a portion of the lawn in the backyard to get a nice scoop of its slimy meal.) Yuck!

I'm dealing with some discomfort zones right now and have really only myself to look after right now. It's a little tough giving myself personal motivation and improving upon my own situation. I guess I don't really want to see myself as a degenerate, but I can't stop the thoughts of what others think about me. It's also funny that I've encouraged some anti-social behavior regarding some people, but maybe they're just like that with people in general. I don't really mind having been around a group of some uptight dead beats at one point in my life anymore. I mean I still learned a lot about myself in that I know how to cope with my feelings of being irritated with them now.