Thursday, June 30, 2011

Aging Well ??? and Fortifying Myself

Interesting News
1. Diet soda can increase consumer's waistlines in the future, according to a national health survey, compared to those who drink non-diet soda. The alarming projection is about a 70% increase in the waistline once the person reaches the age 70, which probably won't do much in convincing those who love to practice this habit.

My guess is the misleading perception it provides in which the person is thinking they won't get any more fat and avoid exercising. I know a friend who always drinks diet coke and talks about how he can shape up whenever he wants to and just doesn't do it while complaining how he's gaining so much weight haha. I had that happen to me once, but I managed to finally lose 35 pounds at one point in my life.

2. The U.S. has about $1 billion in dollar coins, which is a stunt to convince the American public to switch over to using coins instead of bills. It would help save the U.S. government about $5.5 billion in the next 30 years because coins have a longer "shelf life".

3. Law clerks and advertising managers are among the biggest fields to lose their jobs. (Finally, a link that's not from Yahoo! It's time to celebrate, okay, just take a breather than.)

4. A degree in Business Administration and an M.B.A. are among the top degrees that will leave options open in the job world. (Man, I should have gone back to school a long time ago to complete my M.B.A.!)

Today's Significance
1. Today is the birthday of Mike Tyson and Superman. The real Superman actually has a birthday HMM!

2. Today is Meteor Day, in observance of a meteor crash that struck Siberia in the year 1908.

Time To Blog
I guess I'm getting older by the minute even though I feel old right now already. I think managing a baby by myself might be easy! Yeah, for sure. Well, I could sure use some help; maybe, I'll just do what's easy for me most of the time which is just making money and leave the significant other to be my unpaid hireling. I guess since the Fourth of July is coming up, which I really want to go travel to the dangerous regions of China and set off illegal fireworks there to be a troublemaker for fun and come back unfazed by the government's heavy artillery and machine gunners, I guess I don't really have much planned for myself. Maybe China is so uptight that they would actually send the army in if they were to hear firecrackers near their most prized government building. I'm only saying this because I'm Asian too, even though I'm a descendant of another country, which does not discredit that my last name possibly has some Chinese origin. Man, these Chinese are everywhere on the map- they even probably stole my identity when I found out my last name could be related to them for being Asian.

The Chinese and their billion men army want to be peaceful with the world right now, so I guess that's good and if one would have to choose the most dominant army, he or she would probably want to pick the U.S. right? Well, I am writing in the American language so it doesn't ring a bell even that Americans are going to fight the Chinese anytime soon.

It's good to be a different heritage and able to speak a dominant language of another tongue pretty honestly. I hear that the true American might actually be mixed with some Polish on the side, maybe a little Irish for the dressing, some portion of an extinct Latin group, another from Attila the Hun, and maybe Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan?!! Well, judging from what he really did after defeating knights- there's no telling where his genes might have ended up going.