Saturday, June 4, 2011

Planning Right Course of Action

I believe that taking things slowly and avoiding too many distractions can actually be a great way to approaching a goal or resolution to a conflict. I guess sometimes we don't really realize this but our emotions can actually play a role in exacerbating a situation on the spot when it comes to dealing with personal matters. Life isn't always fair play in general because it's always going to seem like something is missing to us- whether it be brain power or looks or fame and fortune; there will always be something that lingers in us which will cause us to have limited success in certain areas. Everybody is just wired plain differently, and there just can't be always be a one stop center to finding every solution to all  life's problems- it just wasn't naturally gifted to us for probably a supernatural reason. It seems really logical and natural for civilizations to have certain limitations and struggles because without those conflicts, it wouldn't allow room for people to mature or learn how to get along with each other. I think there's really a purpose to how everything exists in this world, and how making some personal sacrifices no matter what a person believes could really benefit a whole nation.

So what have I been smoking? Not much lately haha. I'm trying to deal with living the single life in celibacy, which means not promoting my baby making skills outside of marriage haha. I guess even youngsters can laugh at what I mean even though some may feel grossed out a little. As a kid in elementary, I asked my mom about what a period is and where my little sister came from. My mom told me that when a young girl matures, she forms a small baby house and that when she becomes married happily, it can lead to forming a live baby in the mother's baby house. I only needed to ask a few times more and then I felt satisfied with my mom's answer, so I never asked again ever after. Being celibate as a man of age who might be finding a good future mother to enjoy being a dad with sooner or later, it's leading me to concentrate a lot better and making sharper decisions. It's so important to not get that distracted about it and to try to naturally flow instead of pressuring other ladies to try to make the suffering guy happy haha. In all good time, if the original intention dealing with anything wasn't about committing a sin then I think experience can be gained out of it no matter how rough the tides turn. It's like holding a full house and dominating another person whose all in with a poker tournament and expecting to win the whole thing but then the last card drawn makes a four-of-a-kind for the underdog. These types of twists and turns happen all the time in life and just being able to embrace it or cope with it to the point where a person can still manage to become a superstar is such an incredible accomplishment.