Sunday, June 12, 2011

Looking At Things Rightfully

Yesterday was quite a day because I stayed up for 24 hours before feeling very inactive today and asleep for the most part of the day. I remember the oldest woman who was mentioned on Guinness Book of Records at one week used to stay up for about two days before sleeping for two days straight throughout the week. She seemed to have a child-like heart, so may God bless her soul if she is still alive today! The biggest thing I can remember yesterday is that the only significant thing I was doing was driving and going places for friends' graduations and parties and then driving through many cities back and forth. I sort of had this bad reputation of not being a careful driver and somehow, I did fine yesterday while transporting some sensitive and precious cargo for a few hours. Honestly, as pretty as these girls may have come from yesterday, from dressing like they were going on some dates- I still see them as friends and have become very comfortable with them. I was feeling unashamed of how I really enjoy driving and am about to earn a living off of it to pay off my student loans and credit card debt. Thanks for the best wishes of luck from some people.

These two are some amazing proverbs to me- "A youngster's heart is filled with foolishness, but discipline will drive it away." The second one says "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." The second one seems to allude to for some people being sucked into home business schemes that don't really work out- I guess it is potentially creating some economic flow with those multi-level market (MLM) schemes but they seem to market creating fast and easy money which could be misleading and for some people, it means becoming more in debt. Yes, I know the feeling all too well even though I'm good at giving up in the beginning and asking for my money back during their 60 day trial haha. For some of those scamming companies, it would mean this omen for them "Wealth created by lying is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap." I think some people are even too lazy to call for getting their money back and just get added on more implied charges they didn't pay attention too. It happens and possibly, at least 90% of entrepreneurs might feel like being lazy at their own work anyway.

Okay, I'm not saying the Hope of God Church Organization is a pretty weird group anymore. The Bible talks about how one, righteous person would have potentially been able to save the trouble of God creating ruins for a city. It's the story of Abraham conversing with God about "What if, there were these many righteous people?" So, I'm contending that the God of the Bible is not a merciless and blood-thirsty concept that's supposed to turn some rational people off. Over at the church, I met some great people even though they seemed few in numbers and to save them from receiving any potential bad rep from Lee or the pastor who had a hard time dealing with me haha, I'm not going to mention who they are.  Reason for bringing up Hope of God is because of the indoctrination that seemed to be in conflict with the Bible that I felt with the acting pastor, Chai at Los Angeles. Note, my upbringing of this incident is based on intellectual reasoning and is not designed to degrade anyone's character even though I've been a part of better teaching methodologies that are superior to Chai or Lee haha. For some time I remember at the church, Chai talked about in some of his messages about how being diligent in the Word will bring riches, which had this alluring coating of how it's referring to economic and materalistic wealth. Not clarifying what the Bible really mentions about this could have influenced some of Chai's attendees to be influenced by something called the prosperity doctrine, which is unfortunately incorrect with the ways of the Bible. Hopefully, this wonderful spirit of the Lord has politely cajoled the attendees to read and understand their Bibles! The truth is that God created both the rich and the poor (Proverbs 22:2). By being made rich or poor by the Lord, it's the person's identity and there is absolutely nothing wrong about it and that both can obtain happiness in their life. Being wealthy according to how God wants us to be is about having this amazing journey in life that is really influential, powerful, and developmental to our growth in becoming the Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13). In my opinion, Chai should be mentioning that not everyone will become rich because it's the truth whenever he mentions about becoming rich from giving money to his church haha or following in the methods that he is convicted about. I had to reveal this so that I can keep myself from feeling an overwhelming chip on my shoulder, and I'm sorry that I can't consider Chai and anyone underneath him to be my main leader that I grew up with.