Sunday, July 17, 2011

Actually, Not Finished Yet

Man, I was on vacation for the last two days. I went to Las Vegas, which has been like my tenth time going there. I am so bored of that place now. One of the interesting highlights in my visit was that there was a group of young, male Christians about in their college years yelling at the middle of the sidewalk with a lot of people where a murder took place awhile ago about accepting Christ. I looked at the poster which said "No Gambling" and a list of other things. I overheard one of the guys say, "If you don't care about your soul, then keep walking." I ended up smiling and just kept walking past him- honestly, I was thinking to myself that a person doesn't need to breathe down someone's neck to get a point across or to force it upon them. Just let it all out in one gulp of fresh air, no need to hold back and if the world labels you as an insane loner than oh well. While we were walking back, one of the guys caught the attention of a family who stood there listening to what he had to say and my little sister said, "Wow!"

I drove my family all the way to Vegas and my dad commented how it was the most comfortable time he's been there all these years. Yeah, I've learned to drive a truck and big school bus and I was applying the habit of it in the vehicle while making turns and being defensive on the road which was unpleasant for my little sister who was complaining about how I was driving too slow and not being aggressive enough. While driving back I was hitting 90 MPH, so don't tell the California Highway Patrol I went that fast and my parents and little sister were all asleep in the vehicle.

Coming back, I drove my family back too while I was half asleep for half of the way there. When we stopped at a dead outlet mall in the city of Barstow, I switched places with my lil' sis and she took over while I slept in the shot gun position. She ended up taking us to this Fish Restaurant and I saw a girl who looked like Betty. She had black, painted nails and looked really skinny, but her face looked very much like her- I don't know if that's really Betty but okay. I was smiling because after what she's put me through, I can laugh it off and still initiate shaking her hand or blocking her hitting me over anything. Afterwards, she took us to this bread place which was packed- I think it's called 85 degrees. I saw a lot of Asians there, and I was thinking to myself that if a person rejects me and does something weird to me to shun me for the rest of my life then at least I have virtually an unlimited supply of attractive and good people I can try to be good to in the future, regardless of whatever happens so I have learned to be happy now. Yep, it's a big deal for the person whose at the other side of the rainbow- nobody.