Monday, July 11, 2011

Taking It Moderately

I've pretty much ended some distractions so that I could focus on earning a living. It's necessary for me right now because I need to put in the time and effort so that I could have more free time later and pretty much do whatever I want to my heart's content. I guess for the time being, I can't really focus on playing some addicting computer games. I don't really have time to spend interacting with people online anymore either. I pretty much have to treat this very fast computer that pretty much loads everything up in two seconds and will do a million things at once, so it's like I'm tempted to do all that stuff on it; I have to put in the time to think about finding the right opportunities that will work for me with it now.

I remember like it was yesterday's dream- a teacher put in a huge 5.25" disk on a DOS-based computer and started it up and then I started playing this simple math game that asked for simple answers like what's the answer for 21+14 and for every correct answer, a piece of a rocket ship was completed. After solving a slightly challenging question, the rocket ship blasted off into space! Man, that was a fun computer game back then for me while I was in second grade. From the moment I became hooked on my slow and faulty but lovable machine that originated in ancient computer times, that's when I learned simple commands and programmed it every time I started it because it was really stupid and wouldn't remember what to do each time. I have to admit that in five seconds it was on a functioning GUI so it's faster than any computer that's ever been built in the start up category. One of the best moments was having the game Jeopardy and copying down answers for each question and then I would get every answer right and earn like $100,000 in the game.

I was ahead of my time when I was a second grader, so I was technically a prodigy because nobody else had a computer like mine. I then started shutting off the T.V. when it advertised a really cool Apple desktop- yeah, times can catch up on you and beat you really fast. It was a no brain-er that I would end up being the top of my computer class and make fun of people for looking at their fingers while typing on a keyboard. I would stare at some kids in envy if they occasionally surpassed my greatness and became heavily rewarded with a glow-in-the-dark sticker or the wonderful book cover because I had taught myself to read instructions on putting it on properly, so I was really proud to do it whenever I had the chance. Therefore, it's a no-brainer that I'm going to constantly be learning to keep up with current times in computing technology- I want to be a know-it-all of some sort with computers and make a living off of it; I even don't mind if I get paid like a dollar an hour and get to drink red wine while living in a villa at some far off place in Italy doing it.