Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trying To Keep Up

Interesting News
1. Analysts say that the U.S. economy is starting to turn to a better direction, but it seems the benefits have been helping mainly the wealthy.

Today's Significance
1. The Civil Rights Act in America was established today in 1964.

2. Today is the birthday of deceased Thurgood Marshall- the first African American Supreme Court Justice and a Civil Rights Activist who was born in 1908 at Baltimore, Maryland (wow!). Today would have definitely been meaningful for Supreme Justice Thurgood Marshall because it was his birthday and the day the Civil Rights Act passed, which he lobbied for.

3. The U.S. Army Air Corps was established today in 1926.

4. The late granddaughter of famed author, Ernest Hemingway committed suicide in July 2, 1996- it was the chilling anniversary of Mr. Hemingway's suicide.

Time To Blog
I have a plan, just as Dr. Martin Luther King stated in his famous speech, "I have a dream!" I'm working at finding job stability and have found something that I would like to pursue- it would seriously allow me to be at home everyday and work at an air-conditioned office while focusing on interesting stuff at a work place. I'm also finding myself to be a programming junkie which I went to school for and got a degree in- a manager I worked for told me that programmers are the real I.T. personnel in the business and that I should go after a position related to it. I want to live an exciting, programmer's life so I feel the best way to obtain this is to be a self-employed programmer working at creating fun, addictive computer games- it's definitely like a hobby of mine that I want to relate to, so I went to school to basically become prolific at doing personal pet projects.

The real stability of the I.T. industry comes from getting somewhere to the most rewarding and done deal. It's just a job and ensuring some type of stability for me and it's also related to Computer Science in a way for me, which is basically the study of information technology, so I see that going to the field of network engineering would be challenging and being able to apply its technology would also be so much more supplemental fun, in addition to my pursuance of a volatile game programming career on the side. It's just a job, and it doesn't mean I don't have the right to work anywhere to just make a paycheck even if the job kinda sucks and I have the capability to perform it. That pretty much ends all concerns about people yelling at me for trying to steal their jobs when I explore their territory haha.

There you have it! I have my motivations up to date, and the actions that I'm currently striving at is really for the long term and is turning out to be a profitable decision which will happen for me eventually. Along with working at killing a stock market, I guess the day is coming where I'll be able to ensure money flowing positively at my direction without putting that much time into it anymore and then have plenty of time to spend time with the wife and children. I also have this personal desire to seek out a medical assistant's degree to volunteer my time in the medical field which is something I have a strong desire for right now.