Sunday, July 3, 2011

Boredom Central

Interesting News
1. A 54-year old cold murder case is about to get solved! The prime suspect posting bail is an ex-cop.

2. Computer programmers can be hired at any age! Woo hoo, regardless of me leaving that industry for awhile- man, it's good to be back.

3. The number one reason why women cheat in their relationship is because there isn't enough passion. I sometimes want to try to be passionate but maybe because they don't want to give me a chance? That's also why I don't believe in the money bringing over a beautiful wife who acts like a robot and does everything the man wants, like that one movie where the husband brainwashes his very overpowering and beautiful wife haha.

4. The U.S. government is doing a statewide hunt to track down people taking advantage of unemployment money. Better watch out, bad boy- what you going to do when they come for you?

Today's Signficance
1. Idaho became officially a state in the U.S. today on 1890. (The oldest man or woman alive might be brought to tears of joy because of today and this reason alone.)

2. The Millionaire who debuted with his wife on Gilligan's Island passed away today in 1989 at the age of 76.

3. Today is the birthday of Tom Cruise, who looks like a mellow 30 year old for being a lot older and hanging with his latest wife at the age 50. He has the alpha male syndrome for being known worldwide as not that tall. 

Time To Blog
One time, my AOL screen name was MrCool (true story). Another time, I made my AOL screen names- LetMeSeeYouWin and LameJoker. People used to make my nickname Lame while they were chatting with me online- man, those were the good old days. One time, a person online wrote randomly to my other screen name, Let Me See You Win, "Do you think I can win with my mop by being a custodian?" I replied, "As long as it's a good mop." Okay, so I have been accustomed to a lot of lame jokes that were never really paid attention to by others- even some friends I thought were my friends even never called me up to go hang out or something. I was called weird and stuff like that, so I pretty much initiated everything- from getting a major academic club started up at my college, which was a lot funner than it was like going to Las Vegas twice in a row and making nasty club signs to post on the campus. I even attracted a guy who wanted to get hammered all the time with alcohol, go figure I was a pretty depressed dude with no girlfriend while getting really nice hugs and greeted by several beautiful and nice women- man, I even asked some of them out and they accepted while laughing at my speech; I guess that was a good thing, just that I never followed through so that made me weird and depressed.

The whole time I was thinking to myself; man, I'm just so short. Today, I'm thinking to myself that man, why am I so short still? I even wrote to Betty about getting with her because I was expecting her to want to put me in her friend zone, but then she was acting pretty interested in going out with me which means the love letter I e-mailed to her backfired, and it made her want to be sort of interested with me, not the intended effect I wanted. Oh well, so I guess Betty wanted to like me a little more than as a friend- just that I was having a little trouble getting rid of these angry, vent-up feelings over being around some baloney that came out of her gang. I should have just left and be like, "Fine then!" and get them all scared to the point I was going to lay a punch on a dude over there but then be like, "You're not worth it to me" and leave for awhile.  

Actually, now I'm thinking to myself that whether I lose an insignificant court battle or not now, like the court judge going "I order you to stay away from her 100 yards because every time she hears something out of your mouth, she's going to blow!"- it's like I'm telling the plaintiff- "See you on the loser side, wiener niener."