Friday, July 29, 2011

Some Techniques - Part 2a

This post is going to be a little advanced because of the card playing experience I've sort of developed over the years and from having read quite a bit on some of the top professional poker player's advice. I'm going to be a little loose-ended on this blog because there are quite a bit of stuff in my head that I want to unload like this is my personal diary that I'm sharing. Obviously, I try to write at least a little nice even in my own diary when I think nobody is going to look at it to keep it honest with myself. This is pretty much how I'm writing in all phases of my life.

I've seen on a T.V. show once that a very talented recording artist but tormented person passed away recently. Man, if I had her money I would invest it in the right places right now and have even more free time to kill with more liberating ideas to go after like oil painting a whole house that I buy just for that. The person who passed away was Amy Winehouse, who also joins a list of other interesting artists who passed away during the same age of 27 like Jim Morrison of The Doors and Jimi Hendrix. The age 27 used to feel really old for me five years ago- I understand why some people said, "You're 27 now" to me; I realize the confidence that's a part of me and know how to discern the stupidity that's a part of man sometimes a little better than others; hence, I hate arguing but I am nonetheless sort of a natural polemicist who likes to joke around even while arguing with people who sort of have messed up concepts at the moment.

Yesterday, I also went to go see an early screening of a movie before it opens today! Wow, that was cool because the movie Cowboys And Aliens is expected to be a hit and I was able to see the movie for free while the theater gave away complimentary popcorn and drinks. I thought people were supposed to just walk in, and I was about to do that with my buddy who I went with. Man, it was a long drive going to Universal City Walk in Hollywood yesterday night with all the rush traffic. I felt like a dog because I felt unrecognizable while driving in the freeway- I really hate L.A. traffic. I was a little taken back that the theater wasn't full in capacity but when I reason it out, it sort of did make sense because people are driving back home from work during that hour and then having to drive in very slow traffic again would mean they wouldn't make it on time. What made me believe the drive would be initially about an hour for a normally thirty minute trip in no traffic took me two hours! Fortunately, we made it on time though because that was the time frame I set because I wanted to prepare for being in a long line. What's also funny is that there were a lot of people at Universal City Walk and it looked like they were ignorant about how this popular movie that's coming out was playing for free in the best theater which even accommodated a balcony to go watch a regular movie to my surprise there with complimentary drinks on the house. Therefore, I really want to uphold the saying "Knowledge is power!"

Here's some odd news- the country of New Zealand bans naming a baby Lucifer because the director of the baby registrar doesn't want the infant to grow up with some angst. Here's additional news that came out- did you know that the former President Bush was in a classroom filled with kids at the time news came out that the 9/11 attacks happened? His reaction is mocked by some as being a blank face- he ended up sitting there for a little longer because he wanted to project a sense of calm demeanor so he wouldn't startle the kids, if he was to jump off of his seat and leave the room. Also, one of the most attractive stars to date, Scarlett Johansson turns down a date to go to the prestigious Marine Ball.  Recent American Idol winner Lee DeWyze (a more fitting name for a guy hint-hint) pops a marriage proposal to a model who breaks down and accepts the engagement. The world's best restaurant El Bulli (smiles light up on my face) is closing.

This post is getting a little too long for me from having digressed from the topic I set off to accomplish. Since this is my blog, I may be a little unorganized to keep it convenient for myself and I could not even ever get to covering tips on how to master a pretty fun and challenging game. Therefore, I'm going to take a break from what I want to cover and call this Part 2a because I didn't get to my personal writing agenda today.