Sunday, March 10, 2013

Adjusting Lifestyle To Fit Priorities

Timing everything right is pretty much king! I pretty much worded another commonly known saying Time is money! In a way, I believe that it's a lot harder to personally see how to effectively manage your time if you are a young brat who graduated from high school and just like staying up playing video games. I actually knew this one guy who was like that and another person who was actually me!

It's great to be ignorant about life and not even care about how others are just isolating you while you are having all the fun in the world competing against other gamers for pride and affection among them. It was pretty much a phase for me and now I'm opening myself up to the real world and feeling happy at the thought   of settling down with someone nice. I don't really have anyone at the moment because it seems like I can't really fathom dating someone cute who is like ten years younger than me; it just feels weird- try being Tom Cruise for a change who was married to the beautiful Katie Holmes and where their age difference is about twenty years! Wow, it seems like Tom Cruise is never getting any older and just staying immortally young- I guess that's the deception Hollywood wants others to think.

At a nutshell, it seems pretty depressing to have no outlook of marrying the ideal person for myself. The dating hopefuls on the Internet seems to be tough and selective with the criteria they are looking for too. However, what sucks is that I'm actually born to marry someone eventually. I just know this because I can't run away from the thought of how pretty some girls are in general or how I've been captivated by a couple of them. I guess it's just a natural thing to eventually grow up and take on these grown up responsibilities while raising a family of your own. The thing that currently bugs me the most right now about dating is ending up with a person who just feels like a lifetime apart in the age category. I just don't even know how they did that human-vampire relationship on the movie Twilight!