Saturday, March 9, 2013

Balancing Workload

The definition of work is a really exemplary symbol of all the effort that goes into making something good happen. Its definition according to Google is activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. Basically some things are obviously greater than others and I guess people can go all off in tangent with trying to debate about what's better or not. In other words, it's just all fun and games in the end and something to laugh about while others are just messing with each other. 

Overall, I believe that it's actually fun to be a workhorse! Like all these baseball pitchers who probably worked their butts off to finally get a no-hitter, the reward of something great like that is just the emotional uplifting and spiritually joyful upraising for the rest of the person's life. Even it's just worth to go through all that length and to do it in a proper sense to even score the hottest girl in the world! 

Believe it or not, when guys are playing video games they are actually working! It's just so funny to think about it if you are a girl who hates video games in general. These guys are so spoiled and selfish about winning at Call of Duty! Maybe, some of these guys might have some mental issues not being able to get a real-life job or anything, but still my point is being made that most people like to work. Even one of my closest friend's lame twin brother has to challenge himself daily by working out and playing Halo while ignoring the fact that his life is completely going to shambles! It's sort of scary, but at least he's dumb as a door nail because he wouldn't be able to pull the trigger when you tell him about how many people died or got caught trying to fight law enforcement. It's funny that even though his life is really insignificant, he doesn't want to be considered another statistic. He has pride in living his life because his daily job is to pretty much do chores around the house for his mother, work out, and play video games and then eat or sleep! Staying a kid at heart is sometimes a nice thing if you can't hack it in the real world. Overall, I don't really feel bad for him because in a way, that's how he raised himself to be and that's just the outcome of how he's supposed to become. He can't score any girlfriend no matter how hard he tries, so he's pretty much going to be that 10-year old bully who is jealous of other guys who have girlfriends, but at least he's harmless after talking all big and mean because he can't take it all the way.