Sunday, March 31, 2013

Finally Winning Silly Girl Fights

The thing I am trying to describe is finally finding success in beating my little sister who is apparently very abrasive in her responses with me. The trick is to pretty much not be bothered by the childish girl even though she is almost thirty years old already (!), and then just persist in being nice to her and just being yourself while working hard at keeping yourself from being angry. In other words, it's to pretty much work hard at not being personally bothered by anything.

It's really difficult to not get angry when other girls are just being abrasive in their responses. It's a really negative resemblance of who they are. No, I do not think they are lovely or cute girls to enjoy liking either. This one book is titled, Why Men Love expletive [Contemptuous Women]. I think that book is wrong to have even originated unless it's a book written mainly with sarcasm as it's main point, then I can see how I could enjoy laughing at the author's remarks.

The thing is though I finally managed to get my little sister to settle down while being angry in a Neanderthal (cave woman) like manner, and I did win a small altercation from her being rude to me. She really deserved it for her own taste of medicine. It was really satisfying to finally win one without having to be rude myself. I finally managed to smoothly control the situation while being the nice person I want to be while being calm and collected underneath. It's a personal work that I managed to finally assimilate into doing.