Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Driving Away Insanity

The first thing that comes to my mind is how funny I could be to myself without even knowing it when I'm struggling over the most stupid things. When people were going all off tangent and acting really anti-social with me, I guess it really stuck it to them because other people are sort of not associating with them anymore. In a way, they got a taste of their own medicine for being so weird with me.

I'm starting to do the best I can in not getting angry or bothered by some stuff now. I prefer to work hard at not letting those things ruin the mood for me temporarily or even get me to elevate my own blood pressure. My little sister does that a lot and it gets really annoying having to listen to her stupid responses. She has some anger management issues; man, it is so annoying. I'm trying to get a decent conversation going here and getting her to try to catch my drift and giving her enough respect while she would be an understanding person. Nope, not at all; she isn't really that understanding of a person and is just selfish with her angry thoughts.

Now that I think about a lot that has happened and not really afraid of opening up, it just gets me laughing genuinely a lot more at my own thoughts while I'm crying a little underneath. For example, I look at how others stand pretty tall especially other men and when they look down at me to talk in a soft and polite manner, I feel like crying and laughing at the same time for feeling way shorter than them. It is what it is, and I guess it's normal to feel that way sometimes.