Saturday, March 9, 2013

Prioritizing Over Minor Influences

In life, I'm sure that at least some people like myself who don't really think about what they are doing to have fun because it's generally a happy routine that's going on for them. At the same time, I'm sure there are a few exceptional people who just feel bothered about their situations in life and are trying to occasionally make an effort to get out of it. 

I'm finding myself drawn to the lesser influences in life to keep myself occupied. For instance, when I could be striving towards a better today and studying hard to make a good attempt for a major development, I'm setting my mind out to foolishly have fun hanging out or watching mindless T.V. shows. 

This is something that has been under my nose, but I'm now recovering it. It's to pretty much make priority over the most important influences in your life and to be happy over them. If you are like me, you will constantly be making changes to your priorities and schedules to try to end that constant madness that seems neverending.