Sunday, March 31, 2013

Living Up To Priority

I'm seeing now that what I really need to do now is just live for the desires that I truly seek in my life. I mean it's really hard to constantly get to this point of balance in a person's life, but in the end, I think it's really worth going after something that would just be lovely. The example I'm thinking of right now, is a really stocky and ugly but successful Asian guy managing to marry a really elegant and compatible lady.

Another thing I sort of have to relate to is this storyline found in Anime; the show is called Soul Eater. In it, the legendary sword Excalibur (the one supposedly used by King Arthur) is actually a talking character that can be obtained for battling the forces of evil. However, although Excalibur is legendary in its battles and will take out many formidable foes, his personality is very hard to get along with for most wielders of the sword. They usually end up abandoning him because of his great demands being too much for others and just can't stand him from being too annoying.

About this whole Excalibur character being too intractable to associate with, I can sort of relate it to some women. Here's the short imagery- when Excalibur is wielded by legendary heroes such as King Arthur and someone godlike, he makes himself very easy to get along with. I guess when some average dudes try to approach some really beautiful women then they might sometimes be turned down or deal with someone who likes to whine and groan about stuff that the guy doesn't care or want to hear about. However, when the beautiful woman meets her match then perhaps, she might just be like this perfect angel to the man which would be enough to make her other admirers jealous of that lucky man!