Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Taking Out Excess Distractions

There are a lot of stuff in life that can keep me from getting to where I want to be. I relate to having used to be a very addicted computer gamer. I would pretty much be grinding away my time playing computer games when I could have used that valuable time to earn some money! By me not working, it eventually hit me that I was out of money to buy more cool video games. After awhile, I don't know even though I had those feelings of wanting to play those addicting games, I don't really have that same excitement anymore.

In plain words, I just don't care that I plain suck at video games now. I don't care if other players who are just naturally talented at those games beating me so silly now. I sometimes get that competitive spirit where I want to topple someone at our own game and just start laughing at my opponent's demise. For instance, at a game of checkers on Microsoft Windows, after obviously going to be winning I'll keep on spamming the other guy with messages like "It's your turn!" and "Good move!" while they are not knowing that I'm laughing at them.

Even in writing, after getting so angry at others bagging on my intelligence with insults and hating on my ideas through being angry, I actually wrote one comment that gave me like -100 points and with all these crazy replies from angry people. I engaged in conversation with them and they like shut down with me. It's a lot to learn in life and from being less angry or working hard at not being bothered, it's been a little easier to manage my aggressive feelings with some dumb people. Even my little sister seems dumb to me sometimes and I guess even though it's so annoying that people who are born that way are your family- don't get me wrong, I am a selfish and rebellious person too; anyway, it is what it is!